Sunday, 20 January 2008

Class Presentations

In the first session we allocated class presentations for the module. These are the dates and titles we agreed (or, if you were not present, that were randomly allocated). Let me know as soon as possible if there is a problem with your date or title.

Week 3:
  • Virtual Seminar Round-Up: Andrew Godfrey
  • Why does Florida think that, in the new economy, the creative class are the key to economic success? Matthew Mann
  • What policies might cities/regions introduce in order to attract ‘creative class’ workers? Adam Formby

Week 4:

  • Virtual Seminar Round-Up: Jorge Ribeiro
  • Did the Blair government’s plans to make all services available electronically make a difference? Jangwon Seo
  • Would it be better for the government to focus on e-democracy rather than e-services? Adam Lawson

Week 5:

  • Virtual Seminar Round-Up: Tarek Allouni
  • What is the digital divide? Ed Barden
  • Should we be concerned by low levels of internet use amongst the socially excluded? Lin Li
  • Is the One Laptop Per Child project misguided? Hyunguck Seo

Week 6:

  • Virtual Seminar Round-Up: Adam Lawson
  • What does Perri 6 mean when he talks of people being ‘divided by information’? Jorge Ribeiro
  • What do Burrows et al mean when they say that internet based neighbourhood information systems (IBNIS) are 'being used to ‘sort’ places and the people who live in them in particular ways'? Sofia Benza Lezcano

Week 7:

  • Virtual Seminar Round-Up: Adam Formby
  • Will the internet increase the level of crime in society? Andrew Godfrey
  • Should we be worried about the prospect of cyberterrorism? Tarek Allouni

Week 8:

  • Virtual Seminar Round-Up: Hyunguck Seo

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