Thursday, 6 March 2008

Conference Group 1: The implications of social networking software

Group Members:
  • Ed Barden
  • Tarek Allouni
  • Hyunguck Seo (Tom)
Topic Overview:
There have been quite a few posts on the virtual seminar about facebook and myspace: be it in terms of who uses social networking software (SNS), why, the dangers, the threat to privacy and so on. Group 1 will examine this new trend and what it means for society and whether government (or, indeed, the companies providing SNS and the people using it) need to respond to any specific threats and dangers.

Useful Links


H Seo said...

I would join this group.

Tarek said...

Hey, I'll join this group

Ed Barden said...

hey guys. so how we going to do this work? do we need to meet up

H Seo said...

I think we need to meet.
I'm free every day except wednesday evening.
How about tomorrow?

Tarek said...

Anytime is good for me, Just let me know a time and a place.

Tarek said...

Hey, are we meeting tomorrow then?

H Seo said...

so how about tomorrow 3pm at cafe Barista?

Ed Barden said...

tommorrow at 3 is fine with me

Tarek said...

see you at 3!